Friday, February 3, 2012

[Translations] Minho Me2day Updates 120203

[민호] 어제 넘 고마워요^^ 덕분에~ 어깨에 힘이 !!! ㅎ 오늘도 열심히 할게요~~

Translation [Minho] Thank you for the gift yesterday ^^ it give me strength on my shoulder thanks to you !!! ㅎ i will work harder today~~~

[민호] 사진 하나 더~

Translation [Minho] One more photo~

Credits: SHINee's Me2day

Translation Credits: bobohero, Forever_SHINee

1 comment:

  1. Dear ShiningShineeWorld, thank you for your hard work in posting updates about our boys! I really appreciate it! :D <3
