Friday, November 12, 2010

[Translations] SHINee on KOOL Magazine Vol 1

Onew Interview with KOOL

1. Why did you chose to become a singer?

Onew: When I was in my 2nd year of Junior High, my adviser was a music teacher. My Teacher advices me while she listens when I'm singing.

2. Originally you want to sing?

Onew: Yes. I love to sing.

3. Since debut, What is your most memorable episode?

Onew: Of course our first performance on stage. My head was blank and was really nervous. Also I remember when we won the first place. Standing and performing at a big stage like SM Town Concert is memorable too. Also New comer Award!

4. Besides Music, What are your other influences?

Onew: Recently, I thought of "I'll try reading!" so I started to read books. When I read books, I learn a lot as well as my field of vision will expand which is a good thing. Also you can express your ideas, opinions well. Honestly, I don't know if I can continue this (laughs). But I really wanted to read a lot of books now.

5. What kind of books do you read?

Onew: I like writing essays based on the experience of the author.

6. In the future, What would you like to challenge?

Onew: I have the opportunity, I would like to try Radio DJ. And also composing song as well as writing lyrics.

7. What is the first thing you’ll do when you wake up in the morning?

Onew: Recently, I drink water if I wake up. Especially I have musical now, I thought of taking care of my throat. When I wake up in the morning my throat gets dry/sore that's why I try to drink water.

8. Your Favorite Word?

Onew: "It's Fun!" "Let's have Fun!" (Laughs). I love it when were having fun at every kind of stage.

9. What do you do during Holidays?

Onew: Watching movies, Driving....various.

10. What is the most scary for you?

Onew: I'm not particularly scared but if you ask me I'm scared of Insects.

11. What do you do in order to release your stress?

Onew: Sleep!

12. The most relaxing place for you?

Onew: I think our house which all of the members stay together. No one is bothering me and I can sleep well.

13. Domestic Artist you want to collaborate to?

Onew: Which person should I choose...Ah! We talk about this a day before, I promised to have a duet with f(x)'s Luna. That's why I'm thinking of practicing.

14. How about Foreign Artists?

Onew: Stevie Wonder. I really love him. It's such an honor if my wish will be granted and have a duet with him. I will do my best because I'm still not yet ready. Also, He is a Japanese singer but I don't know his name. He is a man who plays piano while singing. I think he is very famous in Japan. I like to practice his songs so I tried to search for his videos.

15. What song do you listen recently?

Onew: Recently, I'm doing musical performance so I usually listen to musical numbers.

16. What is your role in SHINee?

Onew: Looks...It is a joke (laugh) I think my role is to make the atmosphere happy and the person who leads.

17. Which member are you going to take to a deserted island?

Onew: It's Minho. He is athletic and seems to be good in catering foods.

18. Your happiest moment recently?

Onew: You think this conversation is about musical again......(Laughs). I'm one of the cast from the musical called "Rock of Ages". Originally, it's a foreign musical and it's the very 1st performance here in Korea. I'm glad that I was chosen to be the main cast for Korea's 1st performance.

19. What do you most concern about now?

Onew: It's Musical for now!

20. What do you want to do until the end of the year?

Onew: I've always wanted to study vocal music. If I have the time I wanted enjoy while studying.

21. This is the only thing I can't beat to no one.

Onew: This is not a pride but....people say I have nice voice, I'm so happy if they tell me this.

22. If you can time travel, What would you say if you meet yourself during your debut?

Onew: "Let's have fun", "Take lots of lessons"

23. For Next Year, What is your promise?

Onew: I don't know what will happen but instead of hurrying up and have promises, I should do my responsibilities and have fun next year.


Q. Your 1st impression of Jonghyun?

A. When I first met him, he thought me a lot of different things. From Lesson room to the way how to use it, What should I say this to him/her. He is really nice and thought me every little thing. That's why my impression was " Ah, He is a nice guy".

Q. If you compare him to a color?
A. Yellow or red color, brilliant/bright colors.

Q. A message for Jonghyun!
A. From now on let's aim and work hard together towards the same goals and dreams happily. And also, You're Cool!

Translation: omonatheydidn't

Jonghyun Interview with KOOL

Q: What is the turning point for you to become a singer?

Jonghyun: I was in a band in high school. Back then, I wanted to be a composer. I was also trying other aspects when I was chosen by the company to be an intern, from debut till today. Because I love singing, so I also thought of becoming a singer.

Q: What is your most memorable episode since your debut?

Jonghyun: My most memorable memory is when we won the Best New Artiste.

Q: Beside music, what are your other influences?

Jonghyun: Family. My biggest influence is from my mother. My mother really believes in me, she will let me do whatever I want to do, when I was choosing the path for my future, she said “Just take the path that you want to go!”

It was the same when I was promoted to high school, I was in Year 2 when I mentioned that I was thinking of transferring schools in order to learn music, my mother always let me walk the path that I choose. It also gave me a lot of strength because of my mother’s belief in me.

Q: What are your future challenges?

Jonghyun: I would like to try composing. I believe “music is story”, I hope a lot of people can listen to the stories that I wrote, everyone can relate to it, I want to make that kind of music.

Q: What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

Jonghyun: After opening my eyes I would immediately climb out from bed and take a shower. I’m the kind that will dilly dally and idle away on bed.

Q: Any favourite movie?

Jonghyun: I like horror and thriller flicks. The most meaningful movie that I have watched so far, a slightly old flick is “Phone Booth”.

Q: How do you spend your off-days?

Jonghyun: Mostly exercising. Then to the company’s dance studio. Because it is a very friendly place since young, so I feel very relieved there.

Q: Ways to relieve your stress?

Jonghyun: Sometimes by exercising, sometimes shopping.

Q: Which Korean artiste would you like to collaborate with?

Jonghyun: Wheesung-hyung! We have a very good friendship. We are very similar in a lot of aspects like musically and sensibility. I think we can work well together.

Then it would be Brown Eyed Soul’s Jungyeop-hyung, I also want to collaborate with him. We did a duet recently on a radio program and I really learnt a lot. I think to be able to collaborate with talented sunbaes, you are able to learn a lot, I can also mature better.

Q: What about foreign artistes?

Jonghyun: No foreign artistes that I want to collaborate, but recently I think Justin Bieber “is awesome”, his debut album is not bad, wonder what his follow –up album will be like? Looking forward to it.

Q: What role do you portray in SHINee?

Jonghyun: Ambience creator? But every member is actually an ambience creator. Everyone has a good character, all wants to be there for each other.

Q: Which member would you bring along to live on a no man’s island?

Jonghyun: Key! Key ah, is the type whom loves to cook all kinds of cuisines while I’m the opposite. If I bring Key along, I feel that I would not have this kind of problems.

Q: What is your happiest moment recently?

Jonghyun: Especially happy when “Lucifer” won No. 1. Followed by doing FM, that too was a very happy moment.

Q: Your current happiest moment?

Jonghyun: Music. I’m the kind whom is easily influenced by the environment. Because it’s already autumn, so ballads are not bad. Then, to create memories. Bought a Polaroid camera a few days ago, will go for a walk and taking photos.

Q: What would you like to accomplish this year?

Jonghyun: To go to amusement park with my friends, I also want to take public transport. I have never been there since high school Year 1. Ah, when we were in Osaka, we went to Universal Studios, had a great time too but I would like to go once with only my friends.

Q: What is “this thing” that you definitely can’t lose?

Jonghyun: Self-confidence. I believe for my age, I think to have self-confidence is much more important than anything.

Q: If you could see yourself back then during your debut, what would you like to say?

Jonghyun: Cherish your tears! (Smiles)

Q: What would you say to the present you?

Jonghyun: No slacking! Don’t forget what you want to achieve!

Q: Any resolutions for next year?

Jonghyun: To learn a lot, to feel a lot, these are what I want to say.

Q: Please leave a message for the readers.

Jonghyun: Really happy to be able to be featured in “Kool” magazine’s first issue. There will be lots of opportunities to share our news with everyone in Japan. I hope we are able to perform live in Japan again!


Q: What’s your first impression of Key?

Jonghyun: From the first time I met Key, his character has not changed at all till today, a really independent individual.

Q: Use a colour to represent Key.

Jonghyun: Silver.

Q: What would you like to say to Key.

Jonghyun: I’m really happy when I see you moving forward on your self-path. I hope to see this Key in the future too.

Source: SHINeebloom

Translation: veyonce @ soompi

Key Interview with KOOL

1. Why did you chose to become a singer?

Key: Since I was young, my dream is to become a singer. But on the other way I have other dreams. For example, a painter/artists. Either way I always wanted to work relating to Art. My dream of becoming a singer is always there inside of me.

2. Since debut, What is your most memorable episode?

Key: I went to a CD shop and bought our first album. I still remember that time.

3. Besides Music, What are your other influences?

Key: Fashion and Art. It really gave me an "inspiration". Some people think that it's unrelated field but Visual is all about looks.

4. In the future, What would you like to challenge?

Key: Do our best in various activities as SHINee, My hope and dream is also that were going to experience a lot.

5. What is the first thing you'll do when you wake up in the morning?

Key: I check my Cellphone and iPod.

6. What is your favorite Movie?

Key: "ただ, 君を愛してる" (Tada Kimi wo Aishi teru") Ahh….When I think of it, This is a Japanese Movie. Also, "Dreamers".

7. How about your favorite Anime and Manga?

Key: I like all of Ghibli's work. "The Borrower Arrietty" was recently published right? I reaaaally love this movie. I was hoping that Arrietty really exists as much as I love it. Even my fans really know that I love Ghibli so much that they gave me a present for me relating to Ghibli. I want "Arrietty" as a present. A real and alive "Arrietty" (Laughs)

8. Your Favorite Word?

Key: I have a lot of favorite words. For Example, "In order to get 1% of inspiration, do your best for 99%", "Efforts will always pay off"...

9. What do you do during Holidays?

Key: Meet my friends, Go Shopping and Lesson.

10. What is the most scary for you?

Key: I'm scared when I always think "I hate". Once I think I hate doing this or like that, I didn't want to do it anymore or get frustrated . Anyway relating to is scary and I'm worried.

11. What do you do in order to release your stress?

Key: Before my stress will accumulate, I frequently release it.

12. The most relaxing place for you?

Key: My Bed.

13. Domestic Artist you want to collaborate to?

Key: FT Island's Jaejin. He is my very close friend. Also, Jaejin as a singer is a Senior and the first one to have activities in Japan so he really thought me a lot. Jaejin is a Bassist so if we do it together, I think it's going to be fun.

14. What song do you listen recently?

Key: Justin Bieber's songs.

15. What is your role in SHINee?

Key: I think a role as a bridge.

16. Which member are you going to take to a deserted island?

Key: Taemin.

17. Your Favorite Food and least Favorite Food?

Key: My least Favorite food is Carrot. Recently, I love Italian foods. Pasta and Italian Salad Dressing is especially delicious.

18. Your happiest moment recently?

Key: My Birthday party. I called a lot of my friends and we held a party and it was really fun.

19. What do you most concern about now?

Key: It's Fashion. For now, I'm anxious about Autumn/Winter Fashion.

20. What do you want to do until the end of the year?

Key: I think receiving an award.

21. This is the only thing I can't beat to no one.

Key: I think being greedy. I want to do a lot of things. Without realizing by myself I did a lot of things that I like to do.

22. What would you say if you meet yourself during your debut?

Key: Go/Take more lessons!

23. A single word for yourself.

Key: "I love You." I'm not a worthy person so I love myself. I'm mediocre.

24. For Next Year, What is your promise?

Key: I'll do my best next year more than this year. In overseas and in the country as well.

25. Messages for the reader.

Key: Compare to the other countries, I think Japan has more international exchange in South Korea. Through this magazine, we are happy if you can get information about K-pop and about us.


Q. Your 1st impression of Minho?

A. When I saw him, suddenly I thought he is a foreigner. And I thought he is older than me.

Q. If you compare him to a color?

A. Black.

Q. A message for Minho!

A. I want to become more closer to him. This is my wish so I don't know what Minho is thinking..... (Laughs)

Translation: omonatheydidn't

Minho Interview with KOOL

1. The most memorable episode since your debut?

When we started our Lucifer promotion, I couldn't perform with other members on stage because I had my leg injured.
The most memorable moment was when I was on stage with members after I recovered fully.
I usually don't get nervous on stage, but was so nervous at that moment.
It was a stage unforgettable to me.

2. What influenced you most besides music?

I met many people at college and felt and learned lots of new things

3. What new things do you want to try?

I want to act in a play and be MC, but that's for later when I'm more prepared.
I'm not ready for it yet. Until then, I think I should focus more on our SHINee activities.
I'll try different things when I feel the results of my effort.

4. The first thing you do when you wake up?

I think about what to do today or how to spend a day.

5. What movies do you like?

I like action movies very much. Action is best for stress-relieving!
I prefer action movies to romantic comedy.

6. What do you do in your free time?

I work out or play soccer. I also spend time with friends.

7. What scares you most?


8. How do you release stress?

I work out.

9. Where do you feel most comfortable?

On my bed.

10. Which artist do you want to collaborate with?

Usher among overseas artists. Super Junior sunbae-nim among Korean artists.
I want to sing a song with them.

11. What is your role in SHINee?

I think I'm like a base guitar in a band.
It doesn't stand out but supports the sound.
Playing a supportive role as our team's base.

12. Which member would you take to a desert island?

Only one member? Then...Onew-hyung.

13. Your favorite food and food you hate most?

I hate no food. My favorite is Ramen.

14. What will you say if you meet yourself at the time of debut?

Take things calmly and relax. I'm very differnt from what I was at that time.
I'm more relaxed now, but still a long way to go.

15. One word to your current self

Continue to work hard and don't forget to be thankful!

16. What would you promise to yourself for next year?

I don't know what I'll be like next year, but I'll work hard to improve.

Minho >> Taemin

17. Taemin's first impression?

He was cute. He was like my brother.

18. What color would you compare him to?


19. One word for him?

Taemin, you obey hyungs as Maknae
and work hard to improve yourself
Thank you.

Original in Korean @ DC

Trans by jujugal@soompi

(This seems not a complete interview as some parts were cut out in the scan)

Taemin Interview with KOOL

1. How did you become a singer?

I liked dancing since I was little. Watching performances of Korean sunbae singers or Michael Jackson, I was attracted to dancing and started practing at home by myself.

2. The most memorable episode since your debut?
The first music program we debuted. It is still vivid in my memory. When I was singing on stage, faces of my family and relatives came to my mind. I felt my heart warming at that moment but tried to hold my tears back.

3. Which artist influenced you most?
Michael Jackson. He was on the top in music. I respect him in that respect. It is my dream to become the best.

4. What influenced you most besides music?

My family. (When I wanted to become a singer) my parents didn't object to it but supported me fully. Even now they help me focus on my work. They understand me. When I was rebellious, they took it all generously.

5. What is the first thing you do when you wake up?

Eating breakfast!

6. What movies do you like?

A lot. I used to like romance, action or comedy movies, but these days I'm crazy about horror movies.

7. A phrase or motto you like?

Wait for Heaven's will after doing your best. It is our family motto, and I like its meaning very much.

8. What do you do when you have free time?

I take lessons and practice

9. How do you release stress?

I go to our training room. It's spacier than our apartment. There are friends I can talk to about my problem. It is like home to me. I go to the training room even when I want to meditate by myself.

10. A Korean artist you want to collaborate with?

Hard to answer. There are too many. It's hard to pick just one.

11. Then, an overseas artist?

Usher. Am I dreaming too high?

12. What music are you listening to recently?

I'm listening to old hit songs. Not recent hit songs, I like R&B or ballad songs that were popular a few years ago. Songs with pretty lyrics and a bit sad.

13. Which member will you take to a desert island?

Key-hyung. He will certainly be helpful in many ways.

14. What touched you most recently?

I saw Korean movie, Harmony, recently. It is a very good movie, and I was so moved by it. What remains in my memory out of recent activities is Hello MV shooting. I enjoyed the filming and liked the set.

15. What are you most interested in these days?

Lazing around. Since our debut, I had all my energy focused on our activities until the end of last year. Recently I've got more time on my own.

16. Are there things you want to do before next year comes?

There are a lot. First of all, I want to work harder to show better performances. I think now is the most important time for us. We not going to be called "a new group" any longer.

17. If you pick a thing you think you won't lose to anyone in this?

Everything! First, in fashion. I think I'm rather photogenic, handsome, good at dancing. My voice is not so bad. Good personality. Humble (Hahaha) It's all joke~

18. What would you say if you meet yourself at the time of debut?

Don't forget what you felt when you debuted and keep your sincere attitude. Don't forget your original resolution.

19. One word to your current self.

Do it right!

20. If you promise something to yourself for next year?

I'll be 19 next year, so I think I should be more responsible. I want to show I got more mature. Anyway, I'll improve more!

21. A message to our readers?

I'm thankful for your support. I'd like to have more opportunities to meet you and make good memories with you.


22. Onew's first impression?

He was caring and kind. Other people also say the same thing about him. "Onew-ssi is good with people and gentle"

23. What color would you compare him to?


24. One word to Onew-ssi!

All our members have unique personalities, so it won't be easy to be a leader. We sometimes play together, but he is the hardest worker. He is the busiest member now, but it's good to see him always show a smiling face to us. Onew-ssi, please, always stay as you are.

Original (Korean): DC

Translation: jujugal @ soompi

All image credits: winkme

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