Thursday, March 18, 2010

[News] 100317 - Minho injured during Dream Team recording

Minho was injured while recording Dream Team this morning. The accident happened during one of the games which required Minho to grab onto the swinging pole. He failed to do so instead he may have hit onto something and fell into the styrofoam pool which caused him to struggle in acute pain as seen in the video.

Immediately, he was being sent to the nearby hospital for treatment. He returned back to the filming after the doctor had certified nothing was serious. However to ensure about his health, he is required to get a CT scan at a later scheduled date.

Always being the ace in Dream Team, I understood that Minho would want to present a perfect performance to everyone. But I hope he gets more rest and doesn't force himself too hard. Wish him a speedy recovery! Key 'umma', take good care of MinhO appa!

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