Tuesday, May 18, 2010

[Translation] "A smart, sincere, and hard-working Minho" - Two blog entries of Rap Composer JQ


After composing the drink CF song on Friday, I was so busy due to the lack of sleep.
Planned to go out with friends but then I had to canceled the party and went straight to bed.
Suddenly around 2:00 AM my mobile phone rang.
In the darkness, I couldn't really see whom the call was from.

"Hi hyung~!!" I reached closer to the phone to hear the voice.
"Hyung, it's Minho!! Today we received the Newcomer Award!!
I immediately think of you so I call! Really really thank you! Really appreciate your help!!"
Minho has usually been a quiet kid, talkative is surely not his personality, but that night he kept repeating those "thank you" words.
At that moment, I totally forgot about the fatigue and chatted a lot with Minho through the phone.

"You really are the best and you will do even better in the future", I said.
I felt so excited for him and when I hang up, my heart felt so warm.

Because I didn't catch the live MKMF Award, I came to the Internet later on to watch the video.
I felt touched when seeing the kids crying after they received the award.

Debuting in May, since then, SHINee has never stopped working, practicing non stop.
I firmly believe that in the coming year, they will become even shinier stars.

Fly High SHINee ~ Fighting!


After I finished the ending rap composition, Minho started recording his part.
He was standing in the studio and practiced his rapping seriously.
When I looked at him at that moment, I thought he looked so beautiful, so attractive. Seriously too good-looking.
I couldn't help but secretly taking his picture from the back with my mobile phone.
I was thinking that I would keep this picture for myself only, but then maybe I should share it ...
To prevent the trouble though, I used photoshop to filter the photo with sketching effect.

Honestly, when SHINee recorded their first mini album, Minho's pronunciation skill was quite weak and a lot of people agreed on that.
However, he continued to work so hard and use the efforts to make up for those weakness.
He shared with me the feeling
"Hyung, how do I make the rap better??"
I gave Minho this answer
"Do not stop practicing, your rap will improve"

Minho kept that phrase in mind.
Each time SHINee recorded a new album, Minho's improvement would surprise me again.
I can imagine how much he has worked hard to have such advances in skills.

In fact, looking at Minho now, just like the photo that was filtered, we can only see the tip of the iceberg.
We haven't seen his full potential yet, and it will be gradually uncovered.

2009 Daihatsu SHINee!!!


CreditS: Minhoney - Justminho.com

Translation credits: Ilumtics @ Justminho.com

1 comment:

  1. touchhh ,, minho really good kid and very humble .... thanks 4 sharing ..
